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Welcome to the Religion department!

Here you can ask questions and learn about different religions. This is a place for respect, tolerance and building of understanding towards the different religions, as always; don't be an asshole.
For any questions regarding the classes and pages please contact the professor.

Professor: [Apollo of Crowingblade]



- [Aidan Ryuko]
- [Apollo of Crowingblade]
- [Darkred
- [Delladreing]
- [Maurer's conclusions]
- [Mordigen]
- [rachelah]



- Abrahamitic Religions-class by ???
- Buddhism-class by ???
- Catholic-class by ???
- Christianity-class by [Darkred]
- Druidry and Traditional Herbology by [Mordigen]
- Jediism-class by [Apollo of Crowingblade]
- LaVey-Satanism-class by [Maurer's conclusions]
- Pagan-class by [Delladreing]
- Taoism by ???
- Witchcraft and Wiccanism by [rachelah]
- Witchcraft Behind the Scenes by [Aidan Ryuko]


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2007-12-20 [Imperator]: I would like to suggest the removal of the classroom Knights Templar-class from this department as it has very little information and poor information at that.

2007-12-20 [Sunrose]: Sounds fair :)

2007-12-20 [Imperator]: Do you want me to take care of removing it from this page and ETA Classes in my "trial" capacity? :p

2007-12-20 [Sunrose]: Sure :P

2007-12-21 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I guess we don't ask the professors for their input sunny? :-(

2007-12-21 [Sunrose]: Do you disagree? :)

2007-12-21 [Imperator]: And shouldn't the professors be handling these issues in the first place, not the BoG? Why didn't you take care of this?

2007-12-21 [Mordigen]: very good point -- I have come to the BoG for various things in the past, as the professors were completely useless and usually MIA --- if you want you're input to be wanted, howsabout you keep up with what you're suppose to do and actually let people know you're input is around to be heard instead of only popping in when you disagree with something

2007-12-21 [Mordigen]: ok, you know what --- I been reeeaaaally bitchy today for some unexplainable reason - so sorry for the way i just came off right then, BUT, even though I apologize for my attitude, I still stand by my point behind it

i hope that makes sense.

2007-12-21 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Indeed it did need to be attended to, unfortunately I haven't been as active as I would have liked to have been recently, due to issues in the real world that my attention had to be placed on. I just figured you could've asked if there was anyone who might want to expand upon the information that was already there.

cobra - The BoG is administration, and as the academy's administration any issues would flow down the chain of command, BoG to Professor, Professor to student, etc. Just as it would flow up if we had issues. I have no problem with the policing, but as everyone has opinions I like mine to be heard too :-).

2007-12-21 [Imperator]:
1. If someone wanted to expand the information in that classroom, they probably would have done so already.

2. The BoG shouldn't have to worry about whether or not classrooms are worthy of the Academy, that is the job of the professors.

3. Real world issues do come first but I'm sure you have had opportunities in the past to rectify the problems within your department as well as make your voice heard like [Mordigen] pointed out.

4. The changes and suggestions I am making are due to professors failing to carry out the tasks they are responsible for.

To be quite frank, the condition of this department's classrooms was atrocious. I invite you to view any of these classes (excepting "Druidry and Traditional Herbology" and "Witchcraft Behind the Scenes" as they did not need work) and view the previous one or two versions to see how terrible they were before I repaired them.

2007-12-21 [Sunrose]: Let's not fight each other, but look at this specific issue!
It seems, Apollo, that you agree that the current information on Knights Templar-class is not sufficient. If you know of someone who'd like to expand the information, then let's go for that! Until that time though it's not really up to Academy standards.. :)

2007-12-22 [Imperator]: I second the motion! :p

2007-12-23 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I may work on a better page with more info in it, and correct info at that seeing as most of what Urban had in there were fallacies.

2007-12-23 [Imperator]: So it won't be the same page as "Knights Templar-Class"? If so then I can just remove it and you can submit yours to the Academy Applications. Would that work?

2007-12-23 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: You've already removed it, so I would have to say that works perfectly. I was just wanting to point out that if you're going to be doing things like editing content out, it may be considerate to let the professors know.

2007-12-23 [Imperator]: Okay, sorry about that...

2007-12-24 [Mordigen]: i really wasn't trying to fight, i was just making a point -- that's why I apologized for my attitude, I hope that came out clear :)

but anyhoo, I'm a lil confused by Cobra's comments..........I thought the BoG was in charge of making sure classrooms are sufficient....that's why there is the application and submission procedure??

or are we just referring to *already* made classrooms and keeping them up etc ?

and, just to be blunt, wth is Knights of Templar? I read through some of it a few months back and I was just.....confused. I don't really understand why it was even listed in the religion section....but maybe I'm just missing something :S

2007-12-24 [Sunrose]: Cobra has been reviewing classrooms that were there before the BoG started reviewing them :)

The Knights Templar were Western Christian military orders.
They could possibly be considered a sect within Christianity.

2007-12-24 [Mordigen]: I understand that part, but I thought it was more of an order or union, something that would be considered history or something rather than religion? but maybe thats just me :P

2007-12-24 [Sunrose]: Except that they were together for purpose of the religion, not some other cause :)

2007-12-25 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I would actually agree that it would be something that would be better suited for the History department seeing as the Knights Templar were wiped out, so it would be considered history.

2007-12-25 [Sunrose]: Considering most religious figures are dead, I'm not sure that's a valid argument.

2007-12-25 [Imperator]: It rather depends on what the focus of such a class would be. If it discusses the practices and religious rituals of the Templar then it would belong in Religion. If it discusses the actions carried out by the Templar, then it belongs in history.

2007-12-26 [Sunrose]: The actions were related to their religion though..without the religion they would not exist :)

2007-12-26 [Mordigen]: yea, thats a good point

2007-12-26 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: But it would fall under history as they were just a Western Christian military order, which was endorsed by the Roman catholic church. Roman Catholicism would be the religion, Knights Templar would be part of the history of Roman Catholicism.

2007-12-27 [Imperator]: Why can't it just be listed under both departments if we really can't decide?

2007-12-29 [Sunrose]: They weren't 'just' anything, as far as I read about them.
My earlier point is that the description of the Knights Templar is history, but their mention is part of religion.
It was already here, it can stay here :)

2007-12-29 [Imperator]: Actually it doesn't really matter now because no such classroom exists. :p

2007-12-30 [Sunrose]: Yea, but in case Apollo is going to work on it and have it return :P

2007-12-31 [Mordigen]: wow, i just got curious, i didn't mean to start an orginization or listing debate :P lol

2008-05-21 [Imperator]: Apollo, did you ever start that new Templar classroom?

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